Spokes Model | Content Creator | Producer
Camila Rose

Gender - Transgender
Location - Los Angeles, California
Age -27
Height - 5'9" | 175.26 cm
Weight - 165 lbs | 74.8 kg
Eyes - Brown
Hair -

I AM... Camila Rose, a Spokes Model, Content Creator, Producer and Your Trans Fantasy!? I'm a rising star in this Industry, working with Amator Only Productions, creating the most beautiful exclusive content for My Rose Garden; and My Fanily. I am somewhat new to the Industry, a Fresh Face, but I'm looking forward to seeing what the industry has to offer, because I know what I have for You!?😉

As a Spokes Model, and Content Creator, I am always in search of Production Companies, Producers, Photographers and, of course, other Amateurs Artist seriously interested in creating unmatched and beneficial Content as Amateurs, "working with what we have until we can get what we need"; while having fun doing it. I am going to, comfortably, work my way through this industry and see if I can turn my views and followers into Flowers and Fanily!?😉

As a Producer, working with Amator Starz through Amator Only Productions, I am able to get interested, and serious, Artist a recorded interview, photo shoot, performance and exit interview; to plant in My Rose Garden and across the Amator Starz Network; in an effort to promote and bring notice to Artist work and brand. There is strength in numbers, there is also fun and great content if you do it right!?😉


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